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Does anyone know if IFS Cloud 23R2 or above is going to support the Microsoft Graphic API to send email?  Utilization of this API would allow us to eliminate a mail relay setup.


Microsoft Graph API Information



William Klotz

Hi all, 


We are also having the question whether Graph API is already supported by IFS Cloud or if not, for when it is planned.


Best Regards,

Hilmar Kielblock

Hi @william.klotz @Hilmar Kielblock 


I would also like to know the official answer from IFS regarding this but you can use mail API to send emails using graph API.

From IFS perspective, it would be a REST call, and you could use REST event actin type or workflow action to achieve that.

More info on graph API send mail:


Hope it helps!


Hello all,

Do we already have alternate solution for this?
I have the same request from one of my customer, and little urgent.


@dsj I think I understand what your getting at, but does that also mean that everywhere in IFS where a mail can be send we have to establish an event as the default uses SMTP protocol if I'm right.
