Our customer is integrating his B2B portal with IFS10 using the standard Rest API and Basic authentication.
Generally everything works ok.
However, sometimes a random 401 authentication error appears:
- the first GET call returns error 401
- its immediate renewal works already ok, returns status 200
Example from client logs:
- - - 08/Feb/2022:16:00:01 +0100] 00jDX_1CrxEFw00Fzzw0w00001wc003Y5w - "GET /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/SalesPartHandling. svc/SalesPartSet?$filter=CatalogNo%20eq%20'OW1-GB001-EX001-DN-1500'&$count=true&$expand=PartCatalogRef&$orderby=CatalogNo HTTP/1.1" 401 1468 15610
- - - 08/Feb/2022:16:00:01 +0100] 00jDX_1CrxEFw00Fzzw0w00001wc003Y5x - "GET /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/SalesPartHandling.svc/Reference_SalesPartCharacteristic?$filter=CatalogNo%20eq%20'OW1-GB001-EX001-DN-1500' HTTP/1.1" 200 1063 15610
What could be the cause of this RestAPI behavior?
Where to look for the cause?
What can be suggested to the client to check?