I am currently facing an issue with report designer. We recently updated our cloud configuration environment to 23R1.6 and once we updated, we’ve started encountering some issues with projections, especially with report designer accessing projections.
Please see the error below when trying to sign in.
Thanks, Bryan
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@bdoucette I remember that after an upgrade to 23R1 SU4, users were also experiencing access issues / warning messages.
In 22R1 we used to have all our permissions as grant full or grant read only. After the upgrade we noticed that most of our permissions were Custom access level → I assume this happened because maybe there’s new functionality coming in 23R1 for some projections and that functionality is not implicitly granted to existing permission sets.
What we did is the following:
created a quick report to see how many such cases we have
select a.projection , a.role , FND_PROJECTION_GRANT_API.Get_Grant_Access(a.projection, a.role) access_level , to_date(to_date(a.objversion, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'DD-MON-YY') Last_Changed from FND_PROJECTION_GRANT a where 1=1 and ifsapp.report_sys.parse_parameter(a.projection,'&,-C--L]Projection')='TRUE' and ifsapp.report_sys.parse_parameter(a.role,'&,-C--L]Permission_Set')='TRUE' and FND_PROJECTION_GRANT_API.Get_Grant_Access(a.projection, a.role) = 'CUSTOM'
run a DB script via delivery to grant Full or Readonly
DECLARE CURSOR GetProjRoles IS SELECT a.projection , a.role , FND_PROJECTION_GRANT_API.Get_Grant_Access(a.projection, a.role) access_level , to_date(to_date(a.objversion, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'DD-MON-YY') Last_Changed FROM FND_PROJECTION_GRANT a WHERE 1=1 AND FND_PROJECTION_GRANT_API.Get_Grant_Access(a.projection, a.role) = 'CUSTOM'; rec_ GetProjRoles%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR rec_ IN GetProjRoles LOOP IF rec_.role LIKE '%_FULL' THEN Fnd_Projection_Grant_API.Grant_All(rec_.projection,rec_.role); ELSIF rec_.role LIKE '%_READ' THEN Fnd_Projection_Grant_API.Grant_Query(rec_.projection,rec_.role); END IF; END LOOP; COMMIT; END;
Maybe this will be helpful in your case also.
@Marcel.Ausan@bdoucette In stead of a db script I would suggest a migration job then its easier to add it to the use place environments.
You can use the FND_PROJECTION_GRANT_API.Grant_All
@kvbe Great suggestion I was thinking the same thing since I don’t have DB access.
Thanks @Marcel.Ausan for the suggestion.
Best, Bryan
I’d like to mention that, for IFS to submit an update that supposedly fixed a lot of issues and made life a lot easier, this really did mess a ton of IFS instillations up, It even broke a few of our pages, we couldnt remove page configurations or anything to resolve the issue either, we were forced to undo the upgrade which took us down for 3 days.
Still mindblowing that IFS is walking customers onto landmines
@bdoucette I can only say that when you do an update, you have to really check:
Update analyzer
to see where potential changes could be (Of course no guarantees)
Read the release notes and changes of the versions
Gives you an idea what modules were touched)
Check the projection/entity changes
When doing a release build, download the build and read the following file ifs/cbs/deploy_db/database_xxx/_projection_changes_log
This file, should just be shown by default in the release report but thats not the case of yet. It shows you for example which projections were touched and so where you will have to change it from custom → Full .
Check page configurations / Custom objects
On the page configuration screen you will see what changes were done to pages. Most of the changes you will just have to follow the instructions defined here
Run some basic processes on CFG/UAT to see if all is still the same…
Honestly it looks a lot but if you do it every time there is a service update, it makes sense as you train the process, you re-check the documentation , maybe automate some testing etc.
Not sure if I missed some steps here but thats what we were doing for now for each release update.
But I agree that the process could be easier and more clear indications on what has changed.
@bdoucette this is the example of the file in the delivery builds
Thank you @kvbe , I appreciate the documentation and pointing us in the right direction! Stuff like this brings a little bit of faith back to IFS