I am trying to make a specific field under Customer → Credit Info ready only. The field is set using the modify api, so I would like to make the field Read Only under the profiles. All employees have the ability to see and modify the read only tab in object properties. In IFS 9, how do I remove the ability for a user to see the read only tab?
Need to remove ability to modify or view this tab in IFS 9
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Hi @Astewart ,
Try using conditional fields instead of this option.
That way, only users who has access to custom objects will be able to modify read only property.
Kind Regards,
Hi @Astewart,
You can remove access to the Read Only Tab in Object Properties by configuring the Permission Set.
Steps, 1. Navigate to "New Permission Set" window (Solution Manager\Security\Permission Sets\New Permission Set). 2. Search or create a new Permission Set which is granted to the users whom you want to restrict the Read Only Tab in Object Properties. 3. Switch to "Presentation Objects by Component" tab. 4. Enter "dlgPSheetQueryReadOnly" for the "Find Presentation Objects" text field. 5. Click on the "Find" button. 6. Click on the "FNDBAS Object Properties - Read Only (dlgPSheetQueryReadOnly)" result to locate the entry in the navigator. 7. RMB on "Object Properties - Read Only" on the navigator and the click "Revoke".
NOTE: "Object Properties - Read Only" Presentation Object is default granted to "FND_CUSTOMIZE" Permission Set. Therefore, if "FND_CUSTOMIZE" Permission Set is granted to a specific user, then they will have access to Read Only Tab in Object Properties.
You can view all the Grantees to make a note of other Permission Sets granting access to "Object Properties - Read Only" Presentation Object.