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What is the community opinion about the query option done when wanting the objversion of a object?


If I make a query like this “SELECT vendor_no, vendor_name, objversion FROM suppllier”

I get this result



If I on the other hand query like this “SELECT vendor_no, vendor_name, objversion as df FROM suppllier”


I get this result


Is this a user friendly behaviour?

I think rather than implementing limitations use the time and effort to implement missing IEE behaviour to the Aurena client 

I have also encountered this, very annoying, ‘feature’ in IFS cloud. 

Select * does not return all columns in the table. It is not user friendly to hide table content.

If you specifically query OBJID or OBJVERSION quick report gives an error. 

Not sure if this is a bug or not - I use OBJVERSION quite a lot to know when a record was added/changed in the system.
