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Hello everyone,

When adding a line to a purchase request, the preprocessing screen opens during the record process. I do not want this preprocessing operation to open automatically. Is there a way to prevent this?


Best regards


@Mervan this behaviour is controlled via PostinG Controls:

  • M114 - AC2 - for Purchase Req Header
  • M100 - AC2 - for Purch Req Lines



In this case you would simply need to put an end date/delete the M100 posting controls for your company. Anyways I would suggest doublechecking with your Finance dept as I believe those pre-postings would have been put in place with a good reason 🙂.


Hi @Marcel.Ausan First of all, thank you for your response. Yes, I want this to be defined during preprocessing. However, I don't want the automatic pop-up screen to open. The automatic opening is very annoying.I'm trying to prevent this. :)


Best regards 


@Mervan if the Posting Control M100 is setup, then the Enter Preposting assistant will always pop-up for every new requisition line. That’s how it works to make sure the users don’t forget about this information.

One option would be to set M114 for Req Header. Users fill it out when they create the Req HEader and then when req lines are created they will inherit the values from the header. This way they only do the PrePosting once and not for every line.

Try this and let me know how it works for you.

@Marcel.Ausan Thank you for your responses. I can write "project," "site," and "cost type" in the header. This time, the same cost type will be assigned to each line, which can cause errors on the financial budget side. I have another question: Is there a way to activate the activity seq no field on the pre-posting screen? I am persistently looking for an option to disable the automatic pop-up screen. :)


Best Regards


@Mervan yes, agree. This will not work if you have different pre-posting values for each line. 

Regarding the activity_seq_no, 1st you have to connect the req line to a Project, then the Activity Sequence will appear in preposting:

