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Present Images in Lobby




We have media Items (Pictures) we would like to present as images in Lobbies.

We have not found any documentation how we can create a lobby element  to show for instance a picture of a part in Lobby. How can we create a custom Image URL and Background Picture which change according to the input in Lobby Header?

Will be grateful for all ideas / solutionsregarding this.



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Kasun Balasooriya
Superhero (Employee)

Hi Marianne, 

Configuring Image Elements is covered here in the documentation. The complete documentation on lobbies including IFS Lobby Performance Guideline, Translation and Installation and Security can be found under sub topics here. Hope this is what you are looking for.




  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • July 15, 2021

We have read documentation, but we can’t find any solution for creating a data source or element which present a image dynamically from parameters entered in Lobby header.

Our plan is to add a image in a Lobby for Part. Lobby contains several lobby element fetching different data from for instance Master Part, Inventory Part, Sales Part, Engineering Part Revision, Purchase Part ….

In this lobby we would like to present a picture of the part, using default media item …

How can we present the actual image of part dynamically direct in lobby. User should preferably not have to go to for instance Sales Part and click on attachment panel and select Media Item

  • Superhero
  • July 15, 2021

Hi @Marianne,

To the best of my knowledge we are unable to add a data source to the Image Elements in Lobbies for App10.
Due to this limitation we cannot present an image dynamically.

Cheers !

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • July 16, 2021

Thank you for your replies.


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