you could use the migration tool to import post codes. As for validation your best bet would be a custom LU holding postal codes and state combos and an event validating against that on save. We don't have any standard APIs for it, but you sure could integrate with some 3rd party software if you want to go that route.
1. Start with a text file "in.csv" with your addresses separated by a line break. The allowable format is pretty loose. (Think of what a Google Maps query allows.)
2. Sign up for the Geocoding API through the Google Maps APIs on Google Cloud. You'll need your own API key for billing purposes.
3. Use this Python 3 script:
import sys
import urllib.request
import urllib.response
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
fo = open("out.csv", "w")
apikey = 'AI..you need to edit this with your own key...K-o'
urlbase = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?key=" + apikey + "&address="
with open('in.csv') as fi:
for line in fi:
argraw = line.replace('\r', '')
argraw = argraw.replace('\n', '')
arg = argraw.replace(' ', '+')
url = urlbase + arg
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
htmlBytes = response.read()
htmlStr = htmlBytes.decode("utf8")
root = ET.fromstring(htmlStr)
zip_code = ''
for child in root.iter('address_component'):
if child.find('type').text == 'postal_code':
zip_code = child.find('long_name').text
fo.write('"' + argraw + '","' + zip_code + '"\n');
4. You'll end up with a file "out.csv" containing the validated ZIP codes appended to your lines.
I would suggest a series of migration jobs. The spreadsheets are easy to work with and the objects are fairly basic to migrate data into. IFS Apps 10 already has the objects created (Application Basic Setup → Enterprise → Basic Data
- Find data from a trusted source. This data does change. If you’re looking for free data you’ll need to decide how often you need to updated and if the free site you got it from provides updates.
- Countries and States should already be available.
- Create the migration tables.
- Add Counties to States
- Add Cities to Counties
- Add Zip Codes to Cities
If you would like help please send me a private message and I can provide some sample data to get you started populating this data into IFS.
As an update to this question, I have recently updated a code set to validate US address using some custom packages, a couple tables, and Oracle UTL_HTTP calls to a services provided by YAddress (https://www.yaddress.net/). There is a very minimal charge to use their service (1 cent per address validation request).
Shown below is a sample query you can run. There are many possibilities of how you can use the available functions. Please review the web site and let me know if you are interested in using the code set. Note: You need to be running an Oracle database version that supports JSON data types and functions available. For my sample I am running 12c.
select a.*,
replace(trim(BOTH chr(10) from (trim(BOTH chr(13) from esi_yaddress_api.Get_Address_Validation(a.address1, a.address2, a.city, a.state, a.zip_code)))), chr(13) || chr(10), ', ') address_validation
from (select customer_id, address_id,
address1, address2, city, state, county, zip_code, country
from ifs2004.customer_info_address
where country = 'UNITED STATES'
order by customer_id, address_id
) a;