As a fresh SQL user, I'm having trouble implementing a certain functionality in IFSAPP 10. I'm trying to add a PL/SQL block to the user menu (On customer order lines) that will add a record in a table I've created. Currently, I'm using a simple code that works by adding a record with the appropriate key, but I'm struggling to allow the user to input additional data such as comments or planned date. I've also written a version of the code that requires entering all the data manually. Unfortunately, I can't seem to integrate them. In the reports I've created, I use '&' to allow for manual input of values. While running report user gets pop-up window with required fields. However, this method doesn't seem to work here.
-- planned_ DATE := TRUNC(&Data_wykonania);
user_id_ VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
note_ VARCHAR2(32000) := '&Additional_Data'; -- Prompt user for additional data
p0_ VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;
p1_ VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;
p2_ VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;
p3_ VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;
p4_ VARCHAR2(32000) := 'DO';
-- Get user_id
SELECT ifsapp.FND_SESSION_API.Get_Fnd_User() INTO user_id_ FROM dual;
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_ORDER_NO', &ORDER_NO, p3_);
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_LINE_NO', &LINE_NO, p3_);
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_REL_NO', &REL_NO, p3_);
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_LINE_ITEM_NO', &LINE_ITEM_NO, p3_);
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_CREATED_BY', user_id_, p3_);
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_DATE_CREATED', now_, p3_);
IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_NOTE', note_, p3_);
-- IFSAPP.Client_Sys.Add_To_Attr('CF$_PLANNED_DUE_DATE',planned_, p3_);
-- Insert data
We generally need to track additional delays on orders resulting from tasks performed by external companies on our products. We also want to have them all in one place. In addition to the current issue, I will add a column that will show the latest date delaying the departure of our product on customer order lines for the logistics department.
To summarize, I want the code to gather additional data from user, similar to when testing in the editor and simultaneously, to fetch data from the line with order_no, line_no etc.