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Are there performance differences on the different implementation types on custom fields?

I’m building a printout that will require quite a few custom fields and I’m pondering the performance differences on the different types. My aim is to build a light impact solution.

If I can retrieve a value using any of Reference, Select and Expression, which is most efficient?


The efficiency of the action is linked more to the access method used in the database rather than the implementation type of the custom field.  Using functions is convenient, but often the best method (as it pertains to performance) is a query because you have better control over what index you can create an use.

In your case if you are creating many custom fields on one screen, there is not much hope that it will be fast if most of them are lookup fields.

If you’re doing searches against these custom fields, performance is a lost cause. They all get implemented as PL/SQL functions, so even with the best indexing, you’re going to hit PL/SQL to SQL context switches.


If you’re worried about selecting a lot of data without doing searches, SQL statements are going to be faster than API calls.