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Hi Everyone,

We’ve run into an issue after deploying a ‘utility model’ to our database using IFS Developer Studio and the ‘Generate Code and Deploy’ action. We followed that up with a ‘Refresh Dictionary Cache’ actions. We deployed this way to our DEV environment without issue but we are running into problems in our QA environment. 

After deploying our code we start to get errors when we attempt to create orders in our system using a custom API that was created for us. The code that we deployed is unrelated to this custom API and should not impact it’s functioning in any way:

ORA-04061: existing state of  has been invalidated
ORA-04061: existing state of package "IFSAPP.C_CPQ_CUST_ORDER_UTIL_API" has been invalidated
ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package "IFSAPP.C_CPQ_CUST_ORDER_UTIL_API"
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "IFSAPP.C_CPQ_CUST_ORDER_UTIL_API"
ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 1831
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 278
ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 1831
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 278
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.TRANSACTION_SYS", line 857

If we move the jobs associated with the C_CPQ_CUST_ORDER_UTIL_API to their own queue everything works as expected. When the jobs are in the default queue things fail.

Is there something that we need to do in order to deploy code to IFS? Do we need to reset something or clear some cache in order for this to work without moving jobs? Do we need down time in the system before we can deploy code?

We are just learning about IFS development so any help would be appreciated. 



Is it a situation where you need to recompile invalid objects after every code deployment?


E.g. navigate to Solution Manager > System Information and Utilities > Oracle Objects > Compile Invalid Objects?


We are new to developing our own code for IFS, is this part of the standard process?


If anyone knows of any documentation regarding this, it would be really appreciated if you could share. 





It seems like we need to always re-compile the Invalid Objects every time we deploy to IFS. 


Using: Solution Manager > System Information and Utilities > Oracle Objects > Compile Invalid Objects seemed to solve the problem. 


If anyone knows of any documentation related to this that would really be appreciated.
