We are trying to get an Odata Restful API call to run a Power BI Report to be limited by Date (current date less a year) and to include $expand columns. We then need to set-up as a data source so it can be Cached in Power BI not called locally when the report (with row level security) is executed
We have code that will work in Browser / Postman for the $expand but not in Power BI and the date will work as static report but not as a data source.
I apricate this is Power BI related - but also I have seen some limitations on the Community about IFS and Restful API’s so would be interested if anyone has ran into similar issues or can point me in the write direction.
This has to be imputed in ‘Advanced Query Editor’ in Power BI, the OData call will not work as a simple ‘From the Web’ SOurce
Source = OData.Feed("https://XXX/int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/CustomerOrderDeliveryNoteAnalysis.svc/DeliveryNoteSet?$filter=date(CreateDate) ge "&Date.ToText(Date.AddMonths(Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()),-12),"yyyy-MM-dd")&"&$select=ReceiverZipCode,CreateDate,Company,ActualShipDate,SenderAddressName&$expand=OrderNoRef($select=OrderId)&$top=50", null,=Implementation="2.0"])