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I have an IAL i have made combining 6 different tables.  I am using it to create a counter tile.  I can call the IAL in the data source designer fine but when i try to navigate from the tile i made with the IAL to a view I get this error.


I know that the part_product_code is part of the view that I am trying to navigate to. I got the navigation to work with a subquery to the IAL, but I they don’t want us to use subqueries in the lobbies because of the cost of resources when using subqueries.

Example with subquery: 

select part_no


where part_no in (select part_no from ifsinfo.deu_shop_ord_short where UPPER(BUYER_CODE) like ('%'||UPPER('$BUYER$'))
 and part_product_code = 'PUR')


I need it to work like this:

select part_no


 where UPPER(BUYER_CODE) like ('%'||UPPER('$BUYER$'))
      and part_product_code = 'PUR'


Is there any way around this? 

Which view (page) are you trying to navigate to?

I guess you have “Use Data Source Condition” checked, and you need to rename the column to match the target page column.

If possible please upload a screenshot of your lobby element definition too (showing the navigation and data parts).

I am going to the Purchase Parts view.  The problem is that the view does not contain the column “product_part_code”


This is the data source:

 and this is the element designer:

