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Lobby projection data source use of SYSDATE


We have used SQL Views as data sources in Lobby Data source designer,  however in process of migrating them into projections, we need to replace “where” conditions to “filters” in new projection data sources and needs a solution to replace SYSDATE parameter used in SQL Views. Workaround tried to replace SYSDATE was unsuccessful.

Screenshot attached.

We could use a Query in the projection and could migrate the logic to projection yet this filter conditions are being used as in navigation links in Lobby Elements.



  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • April 20, 2024

For SQL SYSDATE now() can be used, however still I did not get any option for advanced uses of SYSDATE such as SYSDATE+1 with now() function


Hi @Rohan Perera,


I am trying to use SYSDATE on my filter and I am having the message below as error:

none>/<none> (server error)
Malformed Request.
Error details: [{"code":"TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE","message":"The types 'Edm.Boolean' and 'Edm.Date' are not compatible."}]

Any idea why this is happening? I am using exactly as other lobbies. The difference, this one is a projection data source.

DateEntered >= SYSDATE



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