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Looking for a way to have a section stay un-collapsed within a dialog box.


When user reports time from the work assignment team they keep forgetting the demand line no because the section is collapsed. we want to make the field mandatory if possible and keep the section uncollapsed at all times.


Is it possible ?



The default is being set as ‘collapsed=True’ in the client code. Please check the picture below,


So, it is Not possible to configure it to expand default/all times unless it is set in the code. (collapsed=False).

In addition, if we don’t set either True or False (leaving empty), then expand/collapse patterns save in the use profile based on the user’s behavior.

I hope this will help.

@Mayura Wasantha 

If I am understanding correctly there is no way to change it in the scenario I described.

Is that correct ?

Correct there is no way to configure it. But if you modify the respective software code, as I mentioned above. (collapsed=False).

@MaggieDP is it enough to make the relevant field mandatory? if so, that’s possible through the use of Conditional Fields, see for more.

Best regards,


It can be done in Page Designer by following the below … just check/uncheck the collapsed box as needed for the default you want.

This is dependant of course whether you can change the layout in the particular Assistant/Window

