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I am in the process of moving all custom events from Apps8 to Apps10. I am able  to get all custom events functioning after some modification except for events which call "Error_SYS.Record_General()"


When the event is triggered it displays this:

For instance the message above is displayed when a user changes the count in the "Count Per Inventory Part" screen but does not add a note : a note needs to be added as to why the count is being changed or else the record will not save.

The Event Action is below:




Error_SYS.Record_General('Error','Please add a note in the "Notes" field '); 




The body and declaration of Error_SYS.Record_General is the same in Apps8 as it is in Apps10 so my code is correct.

Any help with this error would be appreciate

what is the Oracle server version and the IFS Update version where you are trying this?

Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 

Apps 10 Update 7

There is a bug which is fixed in UPD8, and only occurs when oracle 19c. I think this is what you are facing. So better to create a support case and include this information as well. 

There is a bug which is fixed in UPD8, and only occurs when oracle 19c. I think this is what you are facing. So better to create a support case and include this information as well. 


Thank you for your reply,I am beginning to think it is a bug also because i have tried everything to resolve it. The Custom Event will display the IFS warning message (Client_SYS.Add_Info()) but not the error message equivalent.

Actually if someone who is using Apps 10 Update 8 could reply to this thread confirming that this issue is not occurring on that version that would be of great assistance. 

Actually if someone who is using Apps 10 Update 8 could reply to this thread confirming that this issue is not occurring on that version that would be of great assistance. 

There you go.

Actually if someone who is using Apps 10 Update 8 could reply to this thread confirming that this issue is not occurring on that version that would be of great assistance. 

There you go.

That is very kind of you, thank you. It would have been enough to just tell me if it works or not but going to the trouble of creating my event was going beyond the call of duty 🙂. I will get Update 8 installed asap.
