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Is it possible to configure the application so that it informs users that the validity of their application password will expire in the coming days and that they should change the password ?


This question is for the IFS app that is launched from the IEE (not for IFS cloud or aurena).




Yes you can achieve this by setting a grace time for oracle profile and assigning it to users


Ok, thank you ,

but how will it inform the user's system that it has to change the password ?

I have it set to 7 days but I don't see any message when logging in.


Users will receive an informational message at the login with remaining days

I support this notification need. We have the grace time set, but no one sees the message when logging in. 


Regards, Paul.

Yes, I tested this solution today again and I don’t see the informational message about the need to change my password. 

@Ruchira  Do you think we are dealing with an application bug and should be reported to the IFS team support?

Hi All, 

I resolved this issue by writing short procedure, which runs every day at the scheduled time:

PROCEDURE Expired_Pass_Notification 
CURSOR get_user_data_ IS
select USERNAME,
where  (EXPIRY_DATE - sysdate) <= 14 
and    Fnd_User_Property_API.Get_Value(USERNAME, 'SMTP_MAIL_ADDRESS') is not null;

FOR Q_ IN get_user_data_ LOOP

COMMAND_SYS.Mail('IFS Noreply', 
                 Fnd_User_Property_API.Get_Value(Q_.USERNAME, 'SMTP_MAIL_ADDRESS')  , 
                 'Hi '||Fnd_User_API.Get_Description(Q_.USERNAME)||','||chr(10)||chr(13)||
                 'Your password for IFS account '||Q_.USERNAME||
                 ' expires in '||ROUND(Q_.EXPIRY_DATE - sysdate)||
                 ' day(s). Please change the password as soon as possible to prevent further logon problems.'||chr(10)||chr(13)||
                 'If you need to change the password to login to IFS application, please start IFS, choose ''''Change password'''' and follow the instructions.'||chr(10)||chr(13)||
                 'Thank you!' ,  '',  '',  '',  
                 'Important: IFS Password Expiration Notification',  '',  '',  '',  '');



It reminds users about expiration in 14 days in advance but you can change this by your wish.

Hope you find it useful, 




This has been already patched:160526


@Ruchira How to restrict user from changing the password more than twice in a day?


@Ruchira How to restrict user from changing the password more than twice in a day?


Hi There is no inbuilt function to achieve this but should be able to go around it by modifying the verify_function. I do not have any examples though

With the patch: 160526
You will get the information in the stream of the user.


When the user not login to the ifs every day, he don’t get this information. Maybe the solution with the email is better.


Best Regards,

Hi @Alexander , Can you please provide the instructions on how to load the SQL procedure above. If we create the procedure in the DB side, how can we call it from the application side to run it as a scheduled task. Thanks!

Hi @usama_wrk , once the procedure is deployed to the API you have to:

  1. refresh dictionary cache
  2. create database task for the procedure you’ve deployed
  3. create a schedule for the task

