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I cannot log in to IFS Aurena after a DB clone from TEST to PROD (PROD is not in LIVE yet).

Passwords for TEST and PROD are different. Passwords reset in PROD

Log in possible from SQLPLUS to PROD DB as ifsapp

There are no locked accounts in PROD DB.

But Im getting IFSCloud Aurena login error - Invalid username or password.

All the pods are Running including IAM - 2/2

I think I need to reset password in MT. 

Please suggest me on how to do it? Or else how could I overcome above IFSAurena login error?


Please refer attachments for all the errors - IAM error, etc 


Hi @CovMayurJ ,

Have you done a re-deployment of the MT after the clone? If not, i would suggest doing that. The usual process that i use is below.

  1. Delete the MT in the destination system. 
  2. carry out the DB clone.
  3. reset the DB passwords in the now cloned destination DB to match the values that you have setup in ifscloud-values yaml. You only need to worry about DB passwords such as IFSSYS, IFSAPP & IFSAIAMSYS that are actual oracle users
  4. re-deploy the MT in the destination. This would recreate the MT with new secrets that match what you have in the yaml file and you can use the IFSADMIN user password set in the yaml to login to app. If you are using DB auth, end users should be able to login to the system using the passwords from your source system.



Thank you Sajith.

Earlier I tried recreating the Middletier, but failed.

The issue was at a password for ifsiamsys.

Your reply helped me.

After recreating the MT, we want to log in to Aurena as IFSADMIN and reset passwords from USER page. It solved. 
