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We would like to have all users to logon to EE without first start application with shift and there enable SSO. Did try to find if there is a reg or file written, but no luck.

Anyone know where this SSO settings resides on the local client ?



The settings are stored in the file login_settings.txt located at: 


However, this is a binary file which can’t be modified manually. The users will have to do the shift click and enabling SSO only once and the change should persist during the next login. Hope this helps!

Hi @karllinder ,


In APPS 10, we have added a new setting to Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings  file called “SSO” . if set to ‘true’ , this will enable SSO automatically.


Bit about the Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings file:


In the client runtime folder ( <ifs_home>\repository\client\runtime), there is a file called Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings_sample . Through this we can change some settings in the installation will have a system wide impact. 

All of these settings have default values that work for most installations, but can be changed via this file if needed. In order to modify these settings, one has to just uncomment the relevant setting and set the required value. Then save the file as Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings.

Then , the application needs to be re-signed, and this can  be done though the installer in APPS 10.

( Client updates may change the default setting values and update the sample file but settings specified in the Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings file will not be changed during the update. )



Thanks, Lakmali!

Very good information and explained, we will try this out.



@karllinder in case if @LakmaliRD ‘s solution doesn’t work in your PC, that should be the IsolatedStorage mentioned by @KasunBalasooriya . It may have already stored the previously values so the appsettings are overridden (we have faced this once). In that case you will need to delete it and the get server settings enabled. 
