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I am developing the order report for my company. I used crystal report version with Oracle database. All the steps regarding report development are successfully executed and the report is successfully run in crystal report. We are using IFS 9 and the report is integrated with Presentation Object Scanner in IFS. 

When I run the report from Order Report window it shows following error

Can anyone suggest me what is the reason behind this error what are the resolution.

Thanks in advance

Hi, Is the report in question copied to the Crystal Web Service (CWS) Open Path folder?

Does the report name match to the layout name defined in IFS?

Do you see any additional details in CWS logs?

Yes the report is copied to the Open Path folder, the report name (XEmployeeList.rpt)

is matched to the defined name in IFS and there is no logs in CWS logs.


Can you enable logging to capture ?

Please follow this thread on how to enable logging correctly:

After setting appropriate permission on CWS following error log is found


9/24/2020 5:40:37 PMMIFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-ERROR in LoadInfoServiceReport] Error in loading infoServices report.
9/24/2020 5:40:37 PMMIFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-Logon failed. Error in File XEmployeeList 2216_3240_{7F292300-6103-487E-B7BC-0C46408A6530}.rpt:
Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.   at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.DatabaseControllerClass.SetTableLocation(ISCRTable CurTable, ISCRTable NewTable)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table.set_Location(String value)
   at Ifs_ReportService.SetDatabaseLocation(String databaseLocation, Table table) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1638
   at Ifs_ReportService.SetTableLocation(Table crTable, String UserId, String AppOwner, String IALOwner) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1615
   at Ifs_ReportService.LoadInfoServiceReport(String path, String DBUser, String DBPassword, String DBServerName, String AppOwner) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1433
9/24/2020 5:40:37 PM5IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-ERROR in -GetSavedPDFReport] Error in exporting the report in PDF format.
9/24/2020 5:40:37 PM5IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at Ifs_ReportService.GetSavedPDFReport(String FileName, String ParameterValues, String LangCode) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 285

Did you rename your view to add the _A suffix? 

No I didn’t rename anything @durette 

No I didn’t rename anything @durette 

The _A suffix tells the engine that you want a view owned by your application owner (e.g. IFSAPP).

The _I suffix tells it you want a view owned by your IAL owner (i.e. IFSINFO).

For an Operational Report you don’t have to add the view suffix _A _I \ or \\. This is only for Quick Reports. Operational Reports always works with _REP views which can be access with the IFSPRINT user. This looks like the IFSPRINT user’s password is incorrect in the configuration xml file. If this is incorrect you shouldn’t be able to preview any Operational Report with crystal layouts. If this error is only with this layout, then make sure you have designed it with using only the report view _REP as IFSPRINT doesn’t have access to other views.
