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IFS Cloud, debug PL/SQL details

Sidekick (Partner)


IFS EE client had a debugger console with capability to trace database level. Meaning that the PL/SQL trace showed what methods and packages were used in background and it told developers easily what DB procedure or function caused a error. It could also be utilized when developing data migrations and one needed to see what procedure is needed for migrating data through standard APIs. 

How is this done in IFS Cloud? IFS Cloud client has a debug console but it shows only rest API level (call/response) and doesn’t show what PL/SQL methods are actually executed when storing data or when some error is raised in the client. 


Hi @AveTonitM,


Please follow the below steps to get the pl/sql method.


1. Enable Debug Console
2. Press F12
3. Recreate the error

​​​​​​​4. Select the error or URL that caused the error
5. Preview tab/ trace
There will be a trace with sql... Please refer it


Thank you

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • May 27, 2022

Hi @Dinari Nanayakkara 

thanks for your reply. I cannot get the PL/SQL package or body procedures with the method you described. The SQL contain only info about a specific SQL query which the client performs in the error. I would need to know all procedures that are connected to a specific event where the user saves IFS data. For example I open IFS manufacturing, product structure frame and query some structure. Then I change a record and press ‘save’. This action runs through some set of PL/SQL procedures which seem to be hidden behind the Aurena projections.


EE client debug showed what PL/SQL procedures were executed when saving a record. Is this missing from the cloud debugger console or the browser console (F12 )?

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • May 27, 2022

Hi @AveTonitM,
it is maybe not that what are you looking for, but Debug Console and Log Window provide some information, but very bad readable...:





Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • May 30, 2022

thanks @InfFilipV 

The log window and debug console of IFS Client is not sufficient because they show only the API calls and some simple SQL queries. The execution of PL/SQL is not shown at all.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • June 3, 2022

We are in a similar boat, but our IFS Cloud console doesn’t populate anything in the SQL tab.  Pulling up the browser console only gives me olink data.  I went through the whole Network tab in Developer Mode after refreshing the page.  I didn’t see anything related to a SQL query.  Everything seemed to be olink data.  Understanding if there’s been changes to tables for our upgrade will be critical for external reporting.


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