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This is in Cloud 23R1.  Trying to create bookmarks using #USER_ID# and other search macros (that’s what apps 9 called them).  Purpose is to have a profile with a bookmark to active work reported by the current user so our operators can keep up with their requests.


When you make a bookmark IFS replaces #USER_ID# with the current user...



SAVED SEARCHES do not do this, the macro value is saved...


Is this a limitation or am I doing it wrong?  We need a bookmark, not a saved search.  This profile doesn’t require or use any saved searches.  We don’t want to introduce saved searches to this user group.


Is there a way to make this work as a bookmark?  Perhaps I need to do it to the profile’s XML export now that I’m thinking about it, but we shouldn’t have to do that.

Moving to the framework section.

@dbankston - We have just gone live with Cloud and our users have started requesting the same thing in their bookmarks. I can get the CSV to work from a saved search perspective but when saving to a bookmark it does exactly as you noted in your post.

Have you had any further feedback or ideas on this since?

Best regards

Why not file a support case to have this looked into? It's either a bug, or it's a feature not implemented yet.

I think this is part of the half-baked nature of IFS Cloud since it’s earlier in development and it’ll get fixed eventually.


No workaround @ntaylor.  Let your users know IFS Cloud is still being developed to match all the features of Apps if you updated from an earlier version.


I don’t want to file a support case because they go nowhere and take up my time.  Just my experience with most support cases.




> I think this is part of the half-baked nature of IFS Cloud

I don't speak for all of R&D, this is just my perspective, but half-baked is a bit unfair, especially as a general description. 

I'm quite certain that IFS Cloud excels in many areas compared to IFS Applications 10 and earlier and it probably have hundreds if not thousands of features added. Is it perfect? By no means. Do we have every feature we had before? Unfortunately not... Some features can never be added back due to the change in the platform used, and some features we don't want to add back for various reasons (security for example). I can see that the "half-baked" things are especially annoying for upgrading customers, and depending on how much general application features was used earlier.

What I can say for a fact is that if you don't file a support case, nor file an idea request here on IFS Community, the feature you ask for or bug you want to have fixed might never be implemented or fixed. Having said that, it's of course your choice what you spend your time on.

> since it’s earlier in development and it’ll get fixed eventually.

 Perhaps it will be, perhaps not.

> Let your users know IFS Cloud is still being developed to match all the features of Apps if you updated from an earlier version.

That's true for some things but some things will never be added back.

> I don’t want to file a support case because they go nowhere and take up my time. Just my experience with most support cases.

It's sad to hear that but we have different view points. I'm in R&D and we fix many reported defects every release, as well as implement new features suggested by customers and partners. I do know however that we can't do everything we want to do. We have more things we have to do and want to do than we have time and resources for. That's how it is.

 Peace ✌🏼

I think the same issue used to exist for Saved Searches but has been fixed with one of the earlier RUs after a case was raised so as Mathias has suggested I think raising a case is the right approach here.

Now having said that, in the meantime you have two workarounds:

  1. Create a Saved Search and then set that Saved Search to be the Default loading behaviour for the page. This way every time the user opens the page it will load their records:


  2. Create a Lobby Data Source that has the appropriate condition in it. Then create a Lobby Element using that Data Source that navigates to the appropriate page. You can then use the “Use Datasource Condition”​​​​​​​ option to load the target page with the condition of the Lobby Data Source applied on it.


@Jonas Feigl  - Thanks for the ideas, will cover this with my users and see if these can cover their needs.

@dbankston - As per @Mathias Dahl recommendation I have raised a case with IFS support and will report back once I hear more.

@ntaylor would you be happy to share the case ID via a private message, I’d like to log a similar case to get this looked at. I too get frustrated, but @Mathias Dahl is right, if you dont log a case it will never get fixed. I’ve logged 2 cases and they have both been fixed in the next release, which means I can at least set the users expectations that whilst it is annoying, it is being fixed. 

One thing we have done, is despite the bookmark not working, at least the saved search does, so whilst the user experience is not perfect, the functionality is there, albeit a little “half-baked”, to use your term :-)

