We would like to retrieve Supplier information from Apps10 with Dell Boomi. We tried to use SupplierHandling projection and we have already found a lot of fields but we couldn’t find how we can retrieve:
Communication methods (where communication method is e-mail and it is default)
Delivery terms.
If you have any idea how we can achieve this, it would be very helpful.
Thank you very much in advance all of your thoughts on that.
Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
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For communication methods you may use: /ifsapplications/projection/v1/SupplierHandling.svc/SupplierInfoGeneralSet(SupplierId='{SupplierId}')/CommunicationMethods
Hi @bapehu . As @Albibr says, you can access CommunicationsMethods using the 2 part URL mentioned - SupplierInfoGeneralSet and CommunicationsMethods. In the recent update we made to the IFS REST connector, we added the ability in the connector to dynamically create and handle these two part URLs as a single entity. Hence, when you go to import an object, and specify SupplierInfoGeneralSet* as the filter, you’ll see
Object List
Selecting SupplierInfoGeneralSet->CommunicationsMethods will create the necessary URL in the background. The UI will dynamically add a field into the operation to allow you to add a supplierid