I am trying to figure out how I can get IFS Apps 10 to either listen on a different domain name or use a reverse proxy.
For example, use ifs-prod.domain.tld for internal and use ifs-prod.ext.tld for external.
I’ve tried NGINX and it seems to always want to redirect me to the base url after logging in. I’ve also tried adding another virtual host in the mod_mws_ohs.conf, which listens on that port/url, however it still wants to force redirects to the base url.. Is it because the base url is hardcoded in weblogic? I’ve read some post that some are not setting this, but that could potentially lower security, if you were worried about hardening, and typically it’s best practices to do so.
I’ve tried all sorts of different rewrite rules and such with both Apache on the MW server and on the reverse proxy server.. Any ideas?