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how or when is deployed Java code in projections?
Is only way (except of running local Docker/Kubernates) to develop Java actions/functions develop it on TOP environment and recreate it before each test?

Is there some other option to deploy these files to running instance - when they are already build locally?

Or is here some automatic job what import it after commit/push? Or import on start of environment?




Hi @InfFilipV 

It’s alsways good to debug your changes and see before directly commiting the code.

Also you can deploy the java impl JAR files into respective database and test.



Hi @hamalk,
thanks for quick answer.

I thought that this deploy RMB deploy it only to local docker/kubernates instance and not to running environment.

Does it really deploy it to DB / instance?

Or is for consultant test required to push it to repository and recreate TOP environment?


@InfFilipV  It does deploy into the DB you have configured in the project. 

  1. FND_JAVA_IMPL_LIBS_TAB - used to store 3^rd^ party library jars and util.jars

  2. FND_JAVA_IMPLEMENTATIONS_TAB - used to store fragment and projection jars

Once deployed just go to DB and check whether these JARS have got updated. 


Hi @hamalk,
should be changes visible immediately? Or some cache refresh is required?
Currently, to our changes starts works we have to wait to next day.


@InfFilipV  when you deploy to database these changes should get reflected in DB immediately. No need to wait until the next day.

Any thoughts @kosala , @chanaka-shanil ??

@InfFilipV if you have manually deployed the changes into the topic environment, and you are using that environment’s middle-tier for testing, then you need to restart the ODP container in the topic environment. 

Hi @chanaka-shanil,
How? In BuildPlace I have access only to application, I can stop/start environment and I can delete and recreate environment.
I do not know about any functionality to restart some Docker container.
When APP server stuck, only way to solve it is delete and recreate whole environment.

Is there some in-app way how to restart it?

What about some projection caches - is not enough refresh them? (I do not remember well usage, is something like: …/main/ifsapplications/projection/ClearCache?METHOD=CLEAR_PROJECTION_CACHE&VALUE=* and …/main/ifsapplications/web/server/clearmetadatacache )


Hi @chanaka-shanil , @hamalk,
do you know how to do restart of ODP container?



@InfFilipV Have you got any answer on how to restart the ODP container in Build Place without having to restart the whole environment?
Or if IFS have plans to implement such option in Build Place?

Hi @ovjose,
unfortunatelly no. It is still same.
Idea is Accepted… Introduce a functionality to restart AKS namespace of build place environments | IFS Community


@InfFilipV Ok. Let’s hope that they implement this feature soon
