How to sort a text field (which contains numbers) as numbers and not alpabetical
Given following screen, the purchase requisition id is a text field and when you sort it, it sorts it alphabetical but you actually want it to sort it numerical. Are there any workaround / tips / hints how we could make this sorting more user friendly? Seems in the page designer you cannot change the field type or so.
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Even though this is not very helpful, in IEE client, it is possible to use Advanced Search SQL Order By to achieve this with using TO_NUMBER(Requisition_No)
Can we do something similar in OData using $orderby?
@Tove Ståhl :
Hi Tove,
I would like to have the sorting of string IDs like Shop Order, DOP Header, DOP Order, Operation Block, etc. to be ordered as number if the number is numeric.
If there would be a page where the ID sequence, initital ID could be defined, like starting with 2, total length 6, padding a leading character, sorting would work as expected.
Unfortunately I have not found any view / page where these IDs can be defined.
Is IFS working at least on one of this kind of usability improvements?
Thanks for your feedback.
BR Holger
Hi Holger,
This is not something that I know that my group is working on. I would recommend you to add it as an idea ( that way it will be handled by product management and it will be visible that this is a need.
I have the same issue. If there is no better way to solve it then I think I will create CustomField that contains converted value, e.g: cf_num_rel_no = to_number(rel_no). (rel_no is string)