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I currently am trying to send an email via a workflow, so whenever my custom event and custom event action get triggered, my workflow sends an email.

How do I go about doing this? I’ve tried using a projection call “GetDefaultsForSendMail: SendMailDefaultsStruct” for BusinessOpportunityHandling as this is what is called when the email button for Business Opportunities is clicked. 


I noticed that in logs, this causes cmd prompts to get triggered when clicking the button, which opens up outlook to write a draft for an email, but I’d like to automatically generate and send an email without manual interaction. Is there a way to do this?


Hi Bryan,

There is an event action type called ‘email’. Instead of calling a workflow once the event is triggered you can send an email. Is this something you cannot achieve with email event actions? Do you specifically need the email functionality as a part of a workflow?


Hi @Lahirumala de Mel

Thank you for the reply! I appreciate it.

I saw the event action email type but I was unsure if I could modify the recipient, body or subject of the email. Is this something that can be done? I didn’t see it as an option. I need to have the email send out the individual Business Opportunity with some other information related to the sales person and the contact we are emailing. I went with a workflow since I know I can read a projection call to get the email I need to send to.


I guess variables in the format of &USER_MAIL_ADDRESS can be used in email parameters like to, cc, subject and message as a way of customizing each mail sent.


Hi @Lahirumala de Mel

Unfortunately , you cannot pull the contact email for the business opportunity into this event action without modifications. Do you know how I could do this? Creating a custom field that references that value seems not efficient and not the best way to go about this. Do you know what the format that PL/SQL custom attribute field would be for this? IFS doesn’t seem to like basic sql statements to pull data, and gives me a random ORA error on fields I’m not even using in my script.

Hi, I have tested that with exactly the same output - I wanted to use “&USER_MAIL_ADDRESS” as a parameter for a “From” field, but as indicated, it does not work. Is there anything else I could do?

I don’t know if this applies to you, but it’s likely if you want to use the user_mail_address as the from, your MAILSENDER account must have send as privileges for the user mailbox, which typically isn’t the case in most organizations.


Can you check in application messages if you can see an email out attempt was actually made at all ?
