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question, how to save a text file in delimited semicolon? Excel does not have this option as far as I learnt.


Thank you.


Hi ronhu,

You need to save as CSV format.
CSV is an abbreviation for [c]omma-eparated-[v]alue.
However, instead of a comma, you need a semicolon.
So you need to configure it as needed.

  1. Open File / Options.
  2. Clear "Use system separators".
  3. Set Decimal separator to comma (,).
  4. Set Thousands separator to period (.).
  5. Click OK.
  6. File / Save As. Change "Save as type" to CSV, and Save.

Now if you open the file in a text editor, you'll see that the fields are separated by semicolons.

Best regards, Ben

@Ben Monroe Appreciated.
