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Given below is the description of how to configure the Company Logo and Company Name in Quick Report print
1. The system parameter "Output Channels" is used to specify the URL of the Company Logo to be used in Quick Print. If this parameter is not specified or the system fails to load the specified logo, the IFS logo will be used in quick print.
2. Company Logo should be sized to 32X32 pixels. Any type of image file can be used for the logo.
3. Place the image file in the location "<ifshome>\instance\<instance>\www-root\Images" for easy access through the environment URL.
4. Once the above is set, restart the IFS Enterprise Explorer to view the changes.
5. Quick Print uses the ‘companyName’ report variable specified in ‘Report Site Texts’ as the company name to be shown on the first page of the report. The value of this variable is not specific only to the Quick Print and affects the other reports as well.

Limitations: It's not possible to use multiple company logos or Company names in Quick Report print.

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