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When I use the FndStreamMessages in Workflow, I'm not sure how to set the URL parameter.

Do I need to input the entire URL link? like below:$filter=OrderNo eq '${OrderNo}'


I'd like to at least not have to input the hostname. Where can I retrieve it from? I've tried just entering the part after the page, but it doesn't seem to work.

Best regards,


Try system parameters. There a setting called “System Url” url (Make sure this always reflects the host name). You can use an api task to read this. And you can try pre building the url with host name and order no appended in a script task. set the built url string as an execution variable. use that execution variable as the value of “Url”.

Hi @Buddhi Gunasekara 


Thank you for your kindly reply.

I will try.


Best regards,


@feng This is not an answer, but I’m interested in the scenario you are working on. Are you trying to push out a Streams message upon a Workflow BPA execution ?

@feng,  did you accomplish your workflow to push out a streams message?


I am trying to build an enchanced flow for PR Notifications, trouble is that i can only seem to nofity myself, when i notify others through this same API, it fails with “Failed to create the entity as it would be unreachable from the current path”

Hi @Chriswharton22 

We also encountered the same issue, but we solved it by creating a custom projection. Please refer to the post below.

Problem when using the FndStreamMessages EntitySet of the StreamSubscriptions projection | IFS Community


Best regards,


@feng - thank you for the guidance, that was exactly what i need and my Workflow is now working end to end! 


Hopefully we can have a standard API in the future that allows Workflow to create streams messages withouth the data access restriction getting in the way, but this is great workaround. 
