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I have just carried out an Apps9 to Apps10 upgrade and inadvertently not specified the instance folder, setting the IFS Home folder to be F:\IFS\IFSMWS instead of F:\IFS\IFSMWS\IFSL.  Is there an easy way to amend this.   Unfortunately, it would cause a lot of upheaval if I went back and removed it then re-created IFS Home again as many steps/processes have been carried out since.  

I think this could be handled by create_backup.cmd but haven’t used this in years.

Please advise.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @RutJWhalen,

The only way to do this other than doing a complete re-installation would be by creating and restoring a clone as you have mentioned. 

You can find the documentation for MWS backup and clone here:

You have to use the clone option instead of backup, because the backup can only be restored into the same directory structure. However, you can restore a clone into any location.

Hope this helps!
