I earlier added the question https://community.ifs.com/topic/show?tid=30227&fid=50 regarding complex ODATA responses.
Now, I just want someone to confirm the assumed framework limitation, or if it is no limitation. Just, to clearify things for me
According to ODATA standard the Expand feature is used to get/filter complex structures, like 1..m or m..1 or just 1...1 relations.
If you trying the Odata org example service, you can run the following request:
https://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinServiceRW/People?$expand=Trips($filter=startswith(Name, 'Trip'))
It will list the persons and the trips they have done. This will return a typical 1..m structure.
As I understand, there is no support for this Expand usage within Marble? Please correct me if I am wrong. The only usage of the Expand in Marble is references, i.e. 1..1, which means that below collection is not possible to achieve.
If this is a current limitation in Marble, will this feature be added in the future? (So the Expand can be used as it supposed to be used).