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I want to alter a Purchase Part selection screen, as used when selecting items for a purchase order. Currently only the ID of the Purchase Group is shown and I want to also display the name (and allow the user to filter on it when selecting a part).

I can add an attribute as follows which looks up the description.

On its own, this works and I can see in the database that the PURCHASE_PART view now has an additional field that shows the name of the purchase group.

From what I could tell, in order to include the new field on the screen I needed to alter the following:


However I now get an error when trying to go onto that screen and it is because that screen appears to be looking at the PURCHASE_PART_LOV3 view. My new attribute is not included in that view.

It looks like the PurchasePart.views file contains the various additional views. Currently my PurchasePart-Cust.views file is blank. Is there any way I can get it to just add a single field to additional views? I don’t really want to copy out the whole code for all of the views because that is not very future proof.

This is on IFS Cloud 23R1.


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