I have created a new quick report in Apps 10 and it works perfectly fine when viewing the report in EE. But when you click ‘Export to excel’, it shows no data found. I have granted each view and api permissions to the permission sets that need access to the report.
The permission set is newly created, is there something I need to tick against this for the function to work?
Is there something I am missing?
Any advice is appreciated
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how do you export this QR in excel?
Can you try to export it to CSV?
Hi @Link
Its the ‘Export to excel’ function when you right click to bring up that option.
The Output - Excel/CSV works but for ease of use for the business, the one click of exporting to excel is required
maybe your setting are not correctly.
I use following settings and it works:
Hi @Link
The RMB - Output option works.
What doesnt work is the RMB - Export to Excel option. When i click ‘ Export to Excel’, excel does open but shows no data whereas in IFS the report shows rows of data
Does your Quick Report start with a ‘WITH’ clause? Two separate technologies are in place to preview and export data to Excel. SQL expression is directly executed when previewing a Quick Report and it's executed through PL/SQL access provider when exporting to Excel. Therefore, it is not possible to use SQL expressions that begins with "WITH" clauses to export to Excel due to a limitation in the PL/SQL access provider. Output channels could be used in such cases to export data to an Excel file.
This is mentioned in the Known Limitations section of the Quick Reports documentation as well:
SELECT a.company_id, (select b.person_id from company_person_all b where a.emp_no = b.emp_no) person_id, a.emp_no, company_pers_api.get_name(a.company_id, a.emp_no) emp_name, a.objective_id, employee_objective_api.get_objective_description(a.company_id, a.emp_no, a.appraisal_year, a.performance_period, a.objective_id) objective_description, employee_objective_api.get_objective_start_date(a.company_id, a.emp_no, a.appraisal_year, a.performance_period, a.objective_id) objective_start_date, employee_objective_api.get_objective_end_date(a.company_id, a.emp_no, a.appraisal_year, a.performance_period, a.objective_id) objective_end_date, a.activity_description, a.activity_start_date, a.activity_end_date, ( SELECT MAX(x.property_value) FROM company_employee_property_all x WHERE x.property_code = 'COSTCTR' AND x.emp_no = a.emp_no AND trunc(x.valid_from) <= trunc(a.activity_start_date) AND ( trunc(x.valid_to) = '31-DEC-99' OR trunc(x.valid_to) >= trunc(a.activity_end_date) ) ) cost_centre FROM employee_activity a ORDER BY a.emp_no, a.objective_id ) where emp_no in (select cp.emp_no from company_person_all cp where cp.person_id = '#PERSON_ID#')
Sorry to revive an old post. Was this resolved somehow? Found similar issues with anything related to the user running the query.
Code “select USER FROM DUAL” returns the user if viewed but returns ‘IFSSYS’ when exported to excel. So, when the “export to excel” option is used, the system considers itself as the user running the query, not the actual user running it.
You’re doing a query on employee_activity which has tons of validations in place at view level to make sure the view only returns the employees the user has access to (or user is appowner, or user has hr manager flag).
Concurrent to what @siforet is saying, I’m think it’s likely that because clicking the Export to Excel considers the user logged in to be IFSSYS, IFSSYS does not have access to any employees and therefore it’s not getting any results (hence no_data_found).
It also means if you made IFSSYS an HR Manager (which I don’t believe you even can as IFSSYS is a privileged user that does not even appear as a foundation user in IFS!), the export to excel would get the results for every employee (although it’d probably be filtered out by your bottom filter on the context substitution variable)