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Hi everyone

We’re getting a syntax error reported when trying to build an environment in build place.  The deployment works fine from IFS Developer and therefore I believe it’s a dependency issue.

We added a couple of functions to the ShipmentSourceUtility and call them from the ShipmentLinesHandling projection, in a similar way to that used by the core code:


entity ShipmentLine {

   attribute Revision_Text Text {
      fetch = "Shipment_Source_Utility_API.Get_Line_Rev_Text__(SOURCE_REF1, SOURCE_REF2, SOURCE_REF3, SOURCE_REF4, SOURCE_REF_TYPE_DB)";
      label = "Part Revision";
      editable = false];


The ShipmentLines client and ShipmentLinesHandling projection fail to compile and working through the _ifs_ant_generatedb.log it looks like the ShipmentSourceUtility is being compiled after the projection.

The shpmnt deploy.ini doesn’t appear to force the compilation of ShipmentSourceUtility before the projection even though the core projection code also calls functions from the utility.

Am I missing something in the build approach here?  The IFS Developer doesn’t seem to support the customisation of the core deploy.ini.  Is the correct approach to take a copy of the core deploy,ini, edit the file directly and include in the build place files?  That doesn’t seem good when keeping future upgrades in mind.

Any assistance much appreciated!



hi @MMcK 


Usually the API, APY files get deploy to the database before the projection SVC files.

So Shipment_Source_Utility_API should have deployed first before the projection SVC.

And regarding the deploy.ini file, if do not maintain a separate -cust file for deploy.ini. As you have mentioned  “take a copy of the core deploy,ini, edit the file directly and include in the build place files” is the correct approach.

When doing an upgrade, these modifications will get informed via impact Analyzer so it won't be a problem.


And If you want to set the order of deployment, you can use the  tCapMergeFiles] option in deploy.ini.

more details of  CapMergeFiles] :



Hi Harshini

Thank you for your response but the problem was traced to the issue with IFS Developer which has now been fixed in Developer Studio tool version : 24.1.0142 



Best regards,
