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A simple query 'Select * FROM IFSAPP.POSTING_CTRL_DETAIL’ has been prepared as quick report.

With full access, this runs without any problems.

However when trying to use this with a number of permission sets it gives the error: 

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 70ms]

error    Object { code: "SE_UNAUTHORIZED", message: "Insufficient privileges.", internal: 2 }

Projection QuickReportHandling has been granted.

User is allowed, via the permission set to fully use PostingControlDetailsHandling

Using the debug of the browser I see also the message: Error - Error in obtaining quick report parameters :Insufficient privileges.

Anyone an idea where to start looking

All, what I've done was first to add permission sets to see what was the one that allowed the running of the SQL related QR. That took too long. So did it the other way around, added only permission sets (that start of with FND%) and checked if the QR was running. No problem there. I removed each time a permission set and found in the end that FND_QUICK_REPORTS was the one that allowed the running of the report.

However the permission set is handled from IFS and has too much included. I copied it, made it a functional role and revoked some of the content.

Here is the permission set:

Entity Actions have been set for QuickReportHandling:

The Projection Actions Grants for the combination of QuickReportHandling and CEN_QUI_REP_READ:

Finally I included the CEN_QUI_REP_READ in the Grant Structure of a permission set that all users have. In this way basically all users can use quick reports. Other permission sets that they are granted to have the QRs included that they are allowed to run.

Bad thing is that all commands are still visible. No idea how to remove those, without touching the page designer (which we would see as a CRIM at that moment).

Hope it helps you as well.
