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Permissions for 'C:\\ifsroot\\utils\\..\\config\\secrets\\.ssh\\10_34_3_46_id_rsa' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
Load key "C:\\ifsroot\\utils\\..\\config\\secrets\\.ssh\\10_34_3_46_id_rsa": bad permissions
ifs@'s password:
Connection to closed.
Output     : {microk8s removed, microk8s v1.22.7 from Canonical** installed, kubectl 1.22.8 from Canonical**
             installed, core 16-2.54.4 from Canonical** installed...}
ExitStatus : 0
Error      : Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap core

             Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap core18

             Warning: policy/v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use policy/v1
             Warning:]: non-functional
             in v1.16+; use the "priorityClassName" field instead
             Warning: policy/v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use policy/v1
             Warning:]: deprecated since v1.14; use
             "" instead
             Warning:]: non-functional
             in v1.16+; use the "priorityClassName" field instead
             The Service "kube-dns" is invalid: spec.clusterIPs: Invalid value: e]string{""}: failed to
             allocate IP provided IP is already allocated
             Warning:]: non-functional
             in v1.16+; use the "priorityClassName" field instead
             Warning: spec.template.spec.nodeSelector]: deprecated since v1.14; use
             "" instead
             Warning:]: deprecated since v1.14; use
             "" instead

Host       :
Duration   : 00:04:39.8987776

2024-06-03 10:55:34.42   IFS-MGMT01 Stop Install-Kubernetes

Hi Tharendra,

SSH keys need to be readable / writable to only one user. Please check the Security details for the C:\\ifsroot\\utils\\..\\config\\secrets\\.ssh\\10_34_3_46_id_rsa file. Did you change the security permissions for the file? Are you using multiple Windows logins when using the Management server? If so please be sure to consistently use the same Windows credential. 

Was there are previous environment or installation attempt (resulting in an old SSH key) performed prior to this? If so perhaps some cleanup is first required.

Best regards -- Ben

Thank you, @Ben Monroe 

Yes, there was previous environment installation. I deleted the existing id_rsa key files and executed the installation from the beginning (INT, KEY and KUBERNETES). But getting the same error. 

Previous installation did by another engineer with his admin account. I’m trying with my admin account. However “ifsroot” folder and all it contents have my account attached with Full Control.


Even with the warning, I was able to proceed with rest of the installation activities and was able to bring up the application. Question is what caused this issue ?



