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Hi, when deploying with the "SUPPLIER_INFO_GENERAL" view using Data Migration Manager, I get this error:

I guess the problem comes from the fact that the metadata "AUTO_GENERATED", column "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE" and column "COUNTRY", there is no value : 

I don't see why this problem occurs, since it's not present in the other views.

The error seems to be almost the same as this topic on Community :

I've tested the solution but nothing changes.

Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
IFS Cloud version: 23R2 SU1


Can anyone help us?
Thank you in advance.

Can anyone help us?

Solution found.
The problem was that IFS was generating the target table by setting the "AUTO_GENERATED" column to NULL.
Problem solved by checking/unchecking the relevant box in the "Target Table Definition" screen.
