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Is it possible to put a default value in a field when creating a new record ?

I know in apps10 it was possible with template feature and then put it in base profile to apply to everyone but in IFS cloud I did not find this feature.

For example when creating a new supplier, put the default value “Prospect” for supplier category.


Many thanks in advance.




I have this same question for defaulting to Prospect in Customer screen.

Yes for certain entities you can use workflows to set default values for screens.


check following community posts



is there any plans to include feature to set default value for a field using the page designer for IFS cloud? that would be a very useful option

If you use Default to previous, system is putting in you latest selection of this field. 

That is not exactly what is needed. People must be trained regarding this behavior. The  first time they have to define it.

But if there it the need to change it due to some reason the system will then show only your lastest selection and the user must remember to set it back to the default selection manual …

