Hello! I am an implementation manager and solution architect with IFS North America and I would be interested in how others may have accomplished this.
I have a customer that has several sites around the world. They asked how they can best copy inventory parts, product structures, sales parts, purchase parts and possible routings from one site to another.
The “Copy Part” function from the inventory part does all of this but that is on a part by part basis and would take far too much time. The “Copy Parts to Site” does not copy all the associated structures, purchase and sales parts. etc.
I thought about using assortments and site clusters but it appears that if I select a manufactured part from the source site, it gets created as a purchased part in the secondary sites. You still need to associate or create the parts as part of the assortment before they can be replicated to other sites.
One suggestion was to use the data replication functions but in all of my tenure at IFS, I have never used them.
I would appreciate any insights or guidance you can offer to aid me in this situation. Thanks!
Vernon Anderson