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Shipment Proforma invoice uses a field called customs value to display pricing for items. One issue, however, is that my customs value is not populating. I realized that this customs value is getting pulled from the Customer Order Line entity. I can manually set the value there and have it carry over to the shipment proforma invoice screen, but I wanted to get it to populate automatically.

Is there a way I can do that? I’m not sure if its a setting that I would have to set, or if I would have to create a workflow with a projection configuration.

Any help would be appreciated.


I ended up having to create a custom event and tie that to my workflow to generate a customsvalue automatically. The second thing needed was to create yet another workflow to generate a value for CustomsValueCurrency in the Delivery section of Customer Order. Only then would the transfer of data from Customer Order Lines to Shipment Lines occur. 
