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Hi all,

working with UPD8. trying to add the below custom page in AURENA. This custom page must be added as a tab in ‘Project Definition’ function.   


when I Click on ‘View Page’ no content is displayed ! The page works totally fine in EE.


Following the documentation, I believe the next step will be to add it to the page designer but I don’t have a Data Source field to specify when I create a new Selectors



Help is much appreciated,



There was an issue in UPD9, only for generated Custom Projection for not loading the entity set and there is a patch. However since you are in UPD8, it should not be the case. :relaxed:

However when looking at your screenshot, I could see that there is a custom Projection you have used which is "SiteSigninOut". For you to create that projection, for sure you may have used a Custom Logical Unit. :relaxed:.. First I would suggest you to try that only and see whether you get the entity correct.

Again.. when you Click on ‘View Page’ no content is displayed !.. yes that's right. You have to configure the Aurena Page now. 


Since you mentioned that you are trying this in UPD8, I gave a try in a UPD8 As Released environment. 

1. Created a Custom Logical Unit, and published. I think what you may have missed is adding this original custom Logical Unit to the Projection. Give a try and see.. 

In your screenshot, it seems that you have add two other Logical units as well. So I created them as well.


2. Create Custom Projection

  1. Publish the Projection Configuration.
  2. Create an Aurena Page.
  3. Go to Page configurations. Now you can see the Entities you can use.


  4. First select the entity, and save and then check the Data Source Entity Set. You can select the Datasource Entity Set, based on the Entity you select.
  5. Further you can select the other entities and their Datasource Entity Set too..

    So, you will be able to configure the page with selectors, groups and many others.. as you wish :slight_smile:

@Minoshini Fonseka big thanks 🙂 you are very helpful...much appreciate, will try it and let u know 

@Minoshini Fonseka That was really helpful, I followed the steps and now I can see my Page.

Now I just need to add my new Custom Page as Custom TAB in ‘Project Definition’   window.  Not Sure what am I missing ! and didn’t really find any helpful documentation …

I am not sure how to get the custom LU to appear as an entity to connect it to the Tab (or to the list created in All Elements = Content of the tab) 

1- I opened ‘Project Definition’ in Page designer and I added a new Tab 



2 - I created  a New list in ALL elements but cannot find my custom entity ‘ProjectAttendance’ created earlier. 


Thanks again for your help :)  

I end up finding some helpful documentation.  

I was missing adding my Custom LU to my standard projection (ProjectDefinitionHandling)