Hi Guys
I’ve created a Custom api (using PLSQL Developer) and trying to setup a Database Task Schedule using same. Normally, i create DB task using PLSQL developer only but this time change of approach and thought of trying Schedule DB task.
Following below process:
Created a Package and made sure it got Module_ and lu_name_ declared within header (as suggested by
Step 1: create or replace package CB_MS_LEVEL_1_API is
module_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := 'FNDBAS';
lu_name_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := 'CbMsLevel1Api';
Step 2: Refreshed the Dictionary Cache
Step 3: Granted access to ifssys as well as to public
GRANT EXECUTE ON cb_ms_level_1_api TO ifssys;
Step 4: Granted access to FND_USER
Still when re-logged into IFS and checked Task Name within New Database Task Schedule i can’t trace the api.
What am i missing, any suggestions?
Thanks in advance