Custom field creation with impossible enumeration - IFS Cloud
Hello everyone, We can no longer create custom fields on IFS Cloud 22.2.9 with data type: enumeration.
When we select an enumeration, the IFS spinner spins indefinitely:
As it happens, it's this webservice (which is called when the enumeration is selected) that's causing the problem: EntityConfigHandling.svc/CustomAttributesVirtuals(Objkey='OBJKEY_VALUE')/IfsApp.EntityConfigHandling.CustomAttributesVirtual_GetDefaultValues
I tried to call it from Postman, same result: the webservice doesn't respond.
What can I do, given that this problem is urgent? Thanks in advance.
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It's a very blocking problem. Has anyone encountered this problem? Thank you, Théo
It's a very blocking problem. Has anyone encountered this problem? Thank you, Théo
Seems like something wrong in you environment. I just tried to add a new custom Field with an enumeration into one of our Internal environment that is same as your version 22.2.9. I was able tp create it without any issues.
can you access the Custom Enumeration window from the client ?
just check the projection configuration and try to unpublish and republish the projection and see.
I think this is the call that fetches the data to this LOV ..projection/v1/EntityConfigHandling.svc/Reference_CustomFieldEnumQuery?
Kind Regards!
Furthermore, You can try clearing the projection cache and metadata cache and see it it works
Please replace the serverName and Port with relevant value
Clear Projection Cache using https://<ServerName>:<Port>/main/ifsapplications/projection/ClearCache?METHOD=CLEAR_PROJECTION_CACHE&VALUE=*
Clear Metadata Cache using https://<ServerName>:<Port>/main/ifsapplications/web/server/clearmetadatacache
Hi @NiyomalN Thank you for your help.
Unfortunately, it didn't solve the problem...
I tried: - clear the cache (browser & IFS) - change browser - clear browser cache
The spinner is still there and running in a vacuum... (both for standard enumerations and customizations).
The custom enumeration screen is accessible and I can of course publish my enumeration without any problem to make it available. I've tried to configure the "EntityConfigHandling" projection, but the projection isn't available in the list of values... so I can't unpublish/republish it.
Thanks for your help, Théo
Hi @TheoB
Please find a few additional options, that can potentially help.
Which environment are your using ? - PROD, TEST, TRNG, DEV, UAT? Seems like an environment issue as highlighted by @NiyomalN . Please switch to a different environment ( TEST, TRNG, UAT, DEV) etc
if successful, you can export and import both the custom enumeration and the custom field using a configuration package ...or individually ( check feasbility )
you may additionally check if there are any incorrect custom enumerations, which are not being able to publish, or sync or get approved, due to any errors, since you are facing difficulty with enumerations alone ( as written)
Additionally , a health check on the Entity configs, Projection Cofigs, Page configs etc , to see any other errors or issues, can be useful - within the environment where you are facing this issue .
Hope some of these thoughts help.
Hi @VivekBhandiwad,
At first, the workaround was as follows: we created the enumeration and the custom field on the environment where we did not encounter the problem, we exported it via a package and we imported it into the environment (except that now the problem is present on all environments). I've checked custom logical units, page configurations... nothing seems to be a problem. All custom logical units/custom enumerations are synchronized and published.
Thanks for your help! Theo
Hello @TheoB
Glad it's resolved. A support case for root cause analysis can help resolve the long term issue. Do raise the same on LCS .
It seems to be with the Custom Layer and could be due to various reasons and my bet is on some custom enumeration that "may" have some incorrect configuration. Cannot pinpoint as it's specific to the environment.
All the best
Just noticed the same issue happening in 23R1 too. It will spin around for good 20 mins until it gives up.
Can someone from IFS help us?
@TheoB you may have to put in a support case for specific help in your environment.