I searched through the tech docs and these forums, but I am having a problem figuring out if I can create some conditional formatting based on what approval step a Change Order is at. I see there are available columns such as Approved By, etc, but I’m referring to the Attachments pane → Approval Process. Is there some sort of SQL magic I can insert?
For Example:
I’d like the Sales Price Group field (on a CO Line under the Actions tab) to be mandatory IF the Change Order is at the Approval Step where Group ID = ‘PRICE_APPROVERS’.
Conditional formatting dialog on overall Change OrderConditional formatting dialog when clicked into CO Line sectionApproval Step requiring approval from PRICE_APPROVERS group ID
Hopefully this is enough context.
Best answer by eqbstal
First thought that I have is that you need to introduce a custom field, that will control the conditional formatting. The custom field should contain the status of the approval template (or the step it is at).
Be aware that at this moment conditional formatting is not possible in IFS Cloud, so if you are upgrading to IFS21 or higher you may loose all your good work for this conditional formatting.
First thought that I have is that you need to introduce a custom field, that will control the conditional formatting. The custom field should contain the status of the approval template (or the step it is at).
Be aware that at this moment conditional formatting is not possible in IFS Cloud, so if you are upgrading to IFS21 or higher you may loose all your good work for this conditional formatting.
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