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We’re in a process of building a customized context mapping for page GL Balance Analysis. I’ve setup a rule with the following data for context “TEST” , COMPANY = 220 AND USER != IFSAPP


To my understanding, the context “TEST” should be now used as the default value, when the criterias are fullfilled and GL Balance analysis page is accessed (As they’re in this example). But this is not the case as one can see, the context global remains as the default value.


Any ideas what could’ve gone wrong & get the desired context as default value to be displayed?

Here are the steps I followed.

  • Created a new Page Designer context and made a simple label change to currency code.
  • In Configuration Context Mappings, I set the Condition company to be my default company i.e. COMPANY=50.
  • Clear Mappings Cache against my User option and refresh the browser.
  • Go to Currency Codes page, I can see the label change against currency code.
  • Switch to another company.


Thank you @Technical Outlaws for your response!
The mappings cache clearing was the missing key in this case.

Too bad it wasn’t included in the instructions itself, but got it now working.


Br. Tomi

They do state clearing the cache in the documentation for 23r2
