hello, I would like to know if there is another way to renew a TSL certificate used to access IFS without reinstalling the entire kubernetes cluster?
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Hi Regis,
- Prepare an updated TLS certificate.
- Copy the new TLS certificate to ifsroot\config\certs.
- Open ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml.
- Update and verify "certificateFile" and "certificatePassword" as appropriate.
- Rerun mtinstaller action.
installer.cmd --set action=mtinstaller
Then verify the certificate validity dates. An example with openssl:
openssl s_client -connect <url>:443 | openssl x509 -noout -dates
Best regards -- Ben
Follow the below mention instruction to verify all the certificates related to microk8s.
- Login to middleware server of the environment (SSH)
- Check if certificates are available in below path
- /var/snap/microk8s/current/certs
- Now enter below command to all .crt files
- openssl x509 -in <.crt path>/<crt name>.crt -noout -enddate
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