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We would like to integrate data into the "PROD_STRUCTURE_HEAD" table using Data Migration Manager.
However, we can't deploy the values because we get this error message during deployment:

While checking some things, I noticed in the deployment container that some values were empty except for the "ALTERNATIVE_NO" field:

We think this is a bug and that the problem comes from the "Extract_Key_Values" procedure located in the "DAT_DEPLOY_DETAIL_API" package.

What do you think?
Thanks in advance. 

I'd like to reopen the subject.

@TheoB normally once you insert data into INVENTORY_PART_TAB using inventory_part_api.New, the system will automatically create a record in PRODUCT_STRUCTURE_HEAD with BOM Type Purchased or Manufactured depending on the inventory part type.

Hi @Marcel.Ausan ,

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, exactly.
However, the bug/problem also affects the "PROD_STRUCTURE" view. 
These lines must be integrated using a file during data transfer.
