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In previous versions of IFS we always used the ‘Magic Spreadsheet’ to bulk import our Basic Data into our REF environment.  

How do we do this in IFS Cloud 23R1?  I have tried the copy/paste function but unfortunately it doesn’t work between environments (i.e., cannot copy data from DEV to TEST etc).

Surely there must be a way to add data in bulk without having to resort to using data migration scripts?

Now I am very curious what you mean with the magic spreadsheet? Is it the excell migration tool?

Now I am very curious what you mean with the magic spreadsheet? Is it the excell migration tool?


In previous versions we used  a non-official Excel tool to copy an object from IFS, run a macro and then essentially paste the data back into IFS.  It was a fantastic way to quickly add bulk data into IFS to support Basic Data entry and testing.  It seems this isn’t possible in IFS Cloud, nor is the ability to copy and paste between environments.


I have that spreadsheet. Fantastic and you can alter for any table in IEE. I am perplexed setting up new Db’s in Cloud and this was my best tool Need to know how to upload to Cloud Entity tables with same approach. PLEASE let me know when one of our ingenious coders makes this happen.

In previous versions of IFS we always used the ‘Magic Spreadsheet’ to bulk import our Basic Data into our REF environment.  

How do we do this in IFS Cloud 23R1?  I have tried the copy/paste function but unfortunately it doesn’t work between environments (i.e., cannot copy data from DEV to TEST etc).

Surely there must be a way to add data in bulk without having to resort to using data migration scripts?

Hey Laura - hope you are well. 


We have a tool now that can help with the data migration using a browser add-in to replicate the features of the magic spreadsheet.  It is currently going throgh approval on the Play Store but in the short term, i am looking for a tester if you wanted an early preview?

Innovative IFS Software: Copy and Paste between environments. (
