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Is there a limit on the length of the Json payload that is supported by BPA Workflow - either in design time (load payload from file) or in runtime?

Hi Paul,
Are you referring to json payload of the IFS Rest Call type workflow task here?


Hi @paul harland , Currently I've had payloads in workflows of over 4000 characters. 

For the workflow itself this does not seem to be an issue. However when troubleshooting the UserInterface only supports value fields up to 4000 characters (meaning that the UI stops working in the workflow pages).

@Lahirumala de Mel just coming back to this.

we had a few problems on a project last year when the payload got over 4000.  It’s a bit inconsistent in my experience.  It’s not related to the Rest Call specifically, I am only referring to the length of the payload being passed through the workflow tasks.

Probbaly something we need to look into internally.  I think we should have some guidelines on whether there are limitaitons and if so what they are

Hi @paul harland, Coincidentally I am working with IFS to improve their Workflow tool. 

This issue is not specifically because of the number of characters used, but a variable that can only contain 64kb max.


I've been told (yet to verify) this is the same variable containing the workflow .bpmn file and is set to 1 MB max from 23R1 onward.

@paul harland, IFS has fixed the issue of payloads being too large from version 22R2 SU17 onward.

Hi @paul harland & @JoDe,


Is this related to a persistence layer issue when a string >2000 characters is attempted to be stored as a process variable? I am experiencing that issue now and I thought I found a way around it by storing the variable as an object, but when I try to stringify that object into a REST call request body, I still get the error (even though I’m not storing the long string). Is there a solution for this?

I have a topic on this with more details if you have the time to give it a quick look.


Thank you in advance!

Hi @dritter, The problem unfortunately is with the data entering the workflow. As long as that happens, the engine breaks (even if you remove it in your first step). Currently there is NO workaround and it has been acknowledged as a limitation (as far as I know).
